Ah! Again too much time has passed since my last
post. I don’t know why do the time passes by in such a hurry. It may be because
I was busy in my professional life. Hence, I couldn’t get the trace of passing
time. But today, I got time for myself. First thing which came in my mind was
to post something on my blog. I think the blog has become a neglected part of
my life. Sometimes, I think that I have began to lose the interest of writing.
Well, this is something which I never thought to happen in my life. I always
thought to be posting something on my blog on daily basis. But it’s getting
tough now. For days, weeks and months, I’m unable to write anything just
because of becoming busy in other aspects of life.
I think this is happening with everyone in today’s
world. Everyone has become a bit disoriented from their hobbies or dreams. For
me, writing something useful or something interactive was my dream. But
unfortunately, I’m unable to fulfil that. Actually, it’s a two way system.
Previously, I have written many posts after having detailed study on some
particular topics. But again, getting busy with the professional life and
handling the pressure has made me going away from writing the post. I won’t
blame my professional life for this. After all, the professional life is giving
me bread and butter for my survival but its taking a huge cost of sharpening my
other skills.
Well Covid-19 virus, commonly known as Corona, gave
a break to everyone’s life. Everyone was forced to stay inside their homes.
Something which no one had imagined would happen. Complete lockdown of the
world was something unimaginable. But yes, it’s a truth that lockdown did
happened. Lockdown affected the entire world. It can be said that the whole
world was at standstill. Many lives have been lost in this time period. Even
now, the death is happening in every corner of the world. Personally, even I
have lost two my close relatives in recent past due to corona. Few other deaths
were there in my friend circle also. Actually, there had been a series of bad
news for me for continuously two weeks when I haven’t heard the bad news of
someone dying due to Corona.
Since this deadly virus, travelled the world, entire
world pointed out towards China as the origin country of this deadly virus.
Everywhere it was the same voice of blaming and cursing China for making such a
deadly virus which has taken so much lives till know across the globe. But
surprisingly, it has taken minimum lives in China from where it spread across
the world. Obviously, my mind is thinking that how could it happen? Why are
there so less death rate in the country from where it originated? Till now, you
will find the figure of death in China is the lowest in the world.
It’s also leading to some other directions also. Few
theories are there which are pointing something bigger. Sometimes, this really
force me to think that is corona a biological nuclear weapon of China? Is China
trying to weaken its enemies for the dominance on the whole world? In my view,
something like this is coming into reality. China has long history of conflicts
with its neighbouring countries regarding expansion of Chinese terrorists.
Whether it’s international water border with Japan or land international border
with India, Bhutan and Myanmar.
In my view, I don’t feel amazed if Corona virus
turns into Chinese biological weapon for mass destruction. It’s true that in
the past China has tried its military powers to dominate its neighbouring
countries but all in vain. India retaliated Chinese army in Dokhlam and in Leh
area. So, I think that now China has used Corona virus to see how much damage
its biological weapons can do. Time has gone when the war were fought with
conventional weapons. With the advancement of science and technologies, the
battle ground has changed a lot and hence the rules of battle has also changed.
Now nuclear and biological weapons are the new weapons where a country can
cause maximum damage to its enemy country with having minimum damage to its own
side. This is the reason behind my thinking that China invented Corona and had
used it against the entire world.
I may be wrong. Whatever reason maybe there, but it
can’t be denied that with passing time, when the vaccine is being created then
we are seeing the new version of the corona virus which is more deadly than its
previous version. I just wish that this virus comes to its own end before
ending any more life.
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