Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 460

    I’m frustrated now. Since I wrote my last blog, I’m trying daily to write something. Seriously speaking, I’m making drafts also. But none of them are satisfactory. Something is there which has killed the instinct of writing in me. Unfortunately, I don’t know what that is. What’s stopping me from writing? Lockdown and working from home is giving a good opportunity to me to write but I don’t know why I’m unable to use this opportunity? Previously, I used to think that when I’ll get the time then I’ll write something good. Now I have the time with me but sadly, I’m not having any topic to write.
    What’s there to write except the corona virus? This deadly virus has claimed so many lives worldwide and had affected so many people and has brought the world to a standstill. Till date, no vaccine has been created anywhere in the world to fight this deadly virus. Isolation and some proper care at the hospitals across the world is making people curing the disease but unfortunately we are seeing the dead bodies also. Lockdown is one of the process to make this virus stop from further spreading. But the main thing is that human body need food to survive. This is the reason which is forcing people to come out and hence they are becoming target of the corona virus.
    Government is forced to stop the social gathering to prevent the further spread of corona virus. In India, the lockdown period has been increased by the government. Medical force is working continuously to fight the corona virus and to keep people safe and sound. They aren’t going to their homes also. Same is with the police force across country. But still, in spite of all these things, the number of affected cases are increasing daily. This is the main concern of worry now. More concrete steps must be taken but that’s not possible. Some lenient steps is also required but with the current scenario of getting more people affected I think the relaxation should be given area wise and in time slots.
    Actually, its human nature that it doesn’t accept much restrictions. Same thing is happening in India. In spite of lockdown and appeal from the government, to stay indoors, many people have gone out without purpose. At many place, police has used baton to send the wanderers back to their home but it send a message also that no violation of rules will be accepted. It’s good that the regular supply of grocery and other daily essential commodities hasn’t been stopped by the government. But still there are many shopkeepers across the country who are selling the goods at the higher price just to earn profit.
    I hope all these things ends soon so that everything comes back to the normalcy. But I must say that we have seen some positive things also due to the lockdown. People are spending quality time at home which is strengthen the family values. Otherwise in many homes, where both the parents are working, the child or the children weren’t in regular touch with the parents. Now they are having the love and care of the parents. The pollution level has gone done. The pollution was one of the main concern now it’s under control a bit because of the lockdown. People are learning a new skill. It’s not necessary to go to office to work. It can be done from home also. But not all the industries or sectors can say that.
    Logistic chain which includes the supply chain till the retailors, police department, health services, cleanliness workers and few more are the areas where people have to go to the office to keep the things running. At the end, I really pray that corona virus disappears completely from the world map and that too very soon.  

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