Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 462

    This week has been unlucky for the Bollywood. On Wednesday, news came of unfortunate death of a fine actor Irfan Kan. He was fighting with colonal cancer and he died at the age of 54. Indeed he was a versatile actor. Whatever role he played seemed to be written for him only. He didn’t differentiated between television serials, theatres and Hindi films. The entire nation paid tribute to Irfan Khan as many influential people from all divisions of the society said few words about him, be it politicians, film stars and film makers, sportspersons and likewise.
    We haven’t recovered from the death of Irfan Khan, then on Thursday morning came the news of the death of legendary actor, Rishi Kapoor. He got pain in his stomach on Wednesday and on Thursday morning, he passed away at the age of 67. This news has shocked the entire nation. Condolence messages are pouring him. Actually, Rishi Kapoor wasn’t just busy in his personal life and films but he was very active on social media also. Very often, his comments or reactions were there on his twitter account on various topics.
    Two tragedies in two days. It seems that some emptiness has been created in the Bollywood and it won’t get over so soon. Both actors have left their marks so deeply that it can’t be replaced. I don’t have much words to say more about them. I just pray that God give peace to the departed souls and strength to their family members to face the tough time.  

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 461

    I’m confused about what to write today. Actually, the incidence of Palghar in Maharashtra has raised many questions. Really, the incidence is worth to condemn. Mob lynching isn’t the solution of anything. Police has arrested 110 people including nine minors but police would have stopped the mob lynching at the first place. The whole incidence happened in front of the police and police was mute spectator in the scenario.
    Maharashtra government is saying that indeed the mob lynching at Palghar is a tragic incidence and it has no connection with any religion or community. If the same incidence would have happen with a person of another religion or community then what would have been the statement of the Maharashtra government? This is clear cut case of escaping from a situation without giving any solution. I think humanism has seized to exist in India in name of secularism. Secularism has become an aid to help minorities only whereas the real meaning of secularism is to help people of every religion and community.
    Two sadhus of 70 years and 35 years were going to Gujarat to attend a funeral. But according to police, villagers thought them to be the thieves. I wonder that can’t villagers differentiate the dress of sadhu and thief? I think this theory is just a cover to the mob lynching. Police is just trying to cover its inefficiency. Now a minister of Maharashtra government is saying that who gave the permission to break the lockdown? Now my counter question is that who gave the mob of 300 people to break the lockdown? Chief Minister of Maharashtra is saying that this isn’t a communal thing so no one be spared if he try to spread hatred. I agree with him. But what about the policeman who gifted an elder sadhu to the mob to kill him? Just suspending him from the service isn’t the solution. He should be terminated from the service and he should be trailed in the court of law as a criminal.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Day 460

    I’m frustrated now. Since I wrote my last blog, I’m trying daily to write something. Seriously speaking, I’m making drafts also. But none of them are satisfactory. Something is there which has killed the instinct of writing in me. Unfortunately, I don’t know what that is. What’s stopping me from writing? Lockdown and working from home is giving a good opportunity to me to write but I don’t know why I’m unable to use this opportunity? Previously, I used to think that when I’ll get the time then I’ll write something good. Now I have the time with me but sadly, I’m not having any topic to write.
    What’s there to write except the corona virus? This deadly virus has claimed so many lives worldwide and had affected so many people and has brought the world to a standstill. Till date, no vaccine has been created anywhere in the world to fight this deadly virus. Isolation and some proper care at the hospitals across the world is making people curing the disease but unfortunately we are seeing the dead bodies also. Lockdown is one of the process to make this virus stop from further spreading. But the main thing is that human body need food to survive. This is the reason which is forcing people to come out and hence they are becoming target of the corona virus.
    Government is forced to stop the social gathering to prevent the further spread of corona virus. In India, the lockdown period has been increased by the government. Medical force is working continuously to fight the corona virus and to keep people safe and sound. They aren’t going to their homes also. Same is with the police force across country. But still, in spite of all these things, the number of affected cases are increasing daily. This is the main concern of worry now. More concrete steps must be taken but that’s not possible. Some lenient steps is also required but with the current scenario of getting more people affected I think the relaxation should be given area wise and in time slots.
    Actually, its human nature that it doesn’t accept much restrictions. Same thing is happening in India. In spite of lockdown and appeal from the government, to stay indoors, many people have gone out without purpose. At many place, police has used baton to send the wanderers back to their home but it send a message also that no violation of rules will be accepted. It’s good that the regular supply of grocery and other daily essential commodities hasn’t been stopped by the government. But still there are many shopkeepers across the country who are selling the goods at the higher price just to earn profit.
    I hope all these things ends soon so that everything comes back to the normalcy. But I must say that we have seen some positive things also due to the lockdown. People are spending quality time at home which is strengthen the family values. Otherwise in many homes, where both the parents are working, the child or the children weren’t in regular touch with the parents. Now they are having the love and care of the parents. The pollution level has gone done. The pollution was one of the main concern now it’s under control a bit because of the lockdown. People are learning a new skill. It’s not necessary to go to office to work. It can be done from home also. But not all the industries or sectors can say that.
    Logistic chain which includes the supply chain till the retailors, police department, health services, cleanliness workers and few more are the areas where people have to go to the office to keep the things running. At the end, I really pray that corona virus disappears completely from the world map and that too very soon.  

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 459

    I hope that all my readers are having a nice time at home. Everyone must be enjoying the leave being sanctioned by the Prime Minister. It’s a leave which even your boss can’t deny. Actually, this lockdown has given me the chance to reflect some facts about life. I think for the first time, people are fed up of having so much holiday. But it’s not a holiday. It’s a war against corona virus. Everyone is a soldier fighting against this dangerous virus.
    But there are few illiterate and barbaric people in India who are spreading this deadly virus. Yes, I’m talking about the tabligi jamat. This jamat has become the real threat to India now. This jamat has clearly violated the lockdown and have started spreading the virus. People have started talking that isn’t this new version of Jihad by Tabligi Jamat? Corona Jihad has become a new word. Today morning, I was reading news online. I was angry when I read that the patients who were living at the mosque of Tabligi Jamat were getting undressed in front of nurses and were making vulgar comments on nurses and are demanding cigarette from the security guards. This is really barbaric.
    This shows the fault of the hospital management at MMG hospital. How can the patients living in quarantine roam freely? How can they misbehave with nurses and no disciplinary action is taken against them? I feel that all those mauls who were in the mosque of Tabligi Jamat think that they are doing something wise and are doing the work of god then they are being misguided. No religion or the god tells its followers to ill-treat other fellow humans. All these poisons are being put in the mind of the masses by bunch of religious scholars and leaders. Unfortunately, the number of misguided minds are increasing amongst Muslim community. For bunch of illiterate and mindless people, whole Muslim community is being targeted now. Few people have become the reason of hatred for the entire community. Members of Tabligi Jamat are responsible for 20 per cent of the total cases in entire India.
    Not only Tabligi Jamat is the only case where few illiterate people are spreading the hatred and corona virus. Indore is another example. People used stone pelting on doctors went for regular check up in a locality. This is the way in which doctors are being treated when they are trying to cure. They even threaten police that no doctors are allowed in their locality. This shows that they aren’t ready to accept India as their country and they don’t think that Indian constitution and its law apply to them. This type of people give wrong message across the society. Indore is one of the hot spot for the corona virus cases but still the people aren’t ready to get treated. They are giving logic that their religion doesn’t allow to have vaccination against corona virus. Same thing happened in Bengaluru. Asha workers went for the survey in an area. They were  trying to get the answers to the standard questions. But in return, the locals came to them and they snatched the mobile phones of the Asha members. Announcement were made by local mosque that there is no need to answer to any question of the survey. Their religion doesn’t allow any treatment for Corona Virus.
    There are various incidences where people are being seen by praying namaj at quarantine center or in their locality and with huge numbers. This shows that few so called religious leaders are provoking their followers. They all belong to one religion. Few handful religious leaders are bringing shame to the entire religion. The entire religion is being looked as suspects due to these people. According to me, now the time has come to use power. These people aren’t listening to the local police neither they are ready to listen to appeal being made by the Prime Minister. I think there should be strict punishment for them.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 458

    What to write now? I know that everyone is fed up with the news of corona virus round the clock. Every one of us is locked down to stop the transmission of the corona virus and everyone is watching the news of corona virus on their televisions. Do and don’ts are often being telecasted on the televisions. So, the main question is about the topic.
    Actually, lockdown is causing some effect on my mind. Every time I used to think that whenever I’ll get time then I’ll definitely write on any topic. But now when I’m having the time then I don’t have the topic to write. This happens with all of us. We always think that when we will have time or one day or someday, I’ll do this and that. But when the time comes then we aren’t able to do anything.  
   Well, one thing is beyond my thinking capacity. The incidence at Nizamuddin has really made me angry. In the time, when the entire nation is under lockdown then why were so many people living together at Nizamuddin? Many of them were found to be Corona virus positive. Were they using Nizamuddin as their secret breeding point to spread more corona virus in the country? Why the administration didn’t took sufficient action against them? Why weren’t police allowed to use their baton to empty that place? Why those people were spitting from the bus when they were taken to the hospital for test? What will government do now? What legal action will be taken against them? What actions are being taken to stop the effect of this jamat from spreading the corona virus in the country?
    These questions are making me worried and angry. I wish that there won’t be any political blaming over this. This case should be handled with strictness. Being secular doesn’t means that due to one religion the lives of innocent people of other religions should be put at risk. Right now, all the so called intellectuals and secularists are silent because the jamat is of Muslim origin. If it would have been of any religion then all the news channels would have been burning with many facts and figures. But all the logic of those so called intellectuals and secularists journalists has vanished in thin air. It’s surprising for me. I think they must be waiting for the order from their bosses. Then they will divert the topic in such a way that all the things will be under benefit of doubt and people will forget the incidence very soon.
    Well, this is the thing which is most disturbing for the country. When it’s time to unite against the common enemy of the nation, few people are making fun of it and are violating all the norms which are for the benefit of the society and nation. I wish that these people should be treated accordingly and should be treated as violators of the law and should be treated according to the law.

Day 497

  The results of the general elections in India are out now. It’s clear that now Mr Narendra Modi is going to swear in as the Prime Minister...