Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 244

Yesterday, I was supposed to write a post in the blog. But I couldn’t write it because in the evening, I was tired. I wasn’t getting any idea to write. I was busy yesterday in my survey. Survey isn’t an easy job to do. It makes the surveyor to interact with a lot of people or respondents. A surveyor doesn’t know about his or her respondents. Sometimes the respondents are smart enough to fill up the form of pre set questions which a surveyor has with him or her. But sometimes, the respondents aren’t friendly. Some respondents are just irritating. They irritate the surveyor intentionally. Few respondents think that they will get money for giving their response to the surveyor. A survey not only gives the physical tiredness but mental tiredness also. But I think survey gives a chance to a surveyor to interact with the people to know about the thoughts of the mass.
In modern time, every business is depending on the taste and preference of the customers. This rule is applicable to every sector. Even for the promotion and advertisement of a new product, the companies are doing survey. Sometimes, the company do the survey to get the feedback about their products or services. It’s not like only the companies are doing the survey. Sometimes the government agencies and some media houses, also, conduct the survey. We can’t ignore the fact that population census is an example of survey only. So, in modern time, we need to rely on survey a lot. 

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