Heartiest congratulations and well wishes to all my readers on the occasion of 63rd Republic Day of Indian Republic. 62 years ago, on 26th January, 1950, India became republic and hence that was the 1st Republic Day, India celebrated. As the parade of the Republic Day is going on the Raj path right now, I decided to say Happy Republic Day to all of you.
Indeed today is a day to celebrate on the large scale. But we need to improve our defence system. We need to have more advance armed forces. I’m not just talking about the army. I’m talking about navy and air force also. We need every wing equipped with more arms. Today’s warfare is much different from the traditional ones. Today the war is not fought where the armies are standing face to face to each other. With the development in science and technology, the scenario of the battle field has also changed. Today we have unmanned planes, unmanned submarines. The missiles and rockets have the attacking range from 3000 kms and more. Today’s battle has become technological battle. And we still have problems with the fighter planes like MiG-21s. The cost of per MiG-21 plane is about Rs 14 Crores. But there have been several incidences of technical problems due to which the planes have crashed more than anywhere in the world. Few years back, Mig-21s were termed as the flying coffins in the Indian Air Force. It’s not only in the terms of money, but the losses of the young pilots are something irreversible. We can make another fighter plane but the loss of the young pilots can not be recovered. All the pilots who flew the Migs were the flight lietunients, which means the young men of 23 or 24 years of age.
So the time has come for the defence ministry to improve the quality of the defence materials and to have innovative war fares in all the three wings of Indian armed forces. We are having lack of aircraft carriers in the Indian Navy. The costal border of India is about 7,500 kms wide. Most of the Indian naval ships are being designed and developed by the Indian Navy itself but still we need to have many more things in our fleet. In the past 2-3 years, Indian Navy has fought bravely against the pirates and has rescued ships.
So let’s salute all those brave soldiers of Indian armed forces who have sacrificed their lives in serving a great nation called India. Today is not just an occasion to display the artilleries but also an occasion to pay our homage to the brave and immortal soldiers of Indian armed forces. JAI HIND.
Jai Hind....
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