On Thursday, India lost the match to Australia by 3 runs. In that match, Sachin Tendulkar scored 175 runs. He completed his 17,000 runs. But Indian team lost that match. In spite of all the efforts put by Sachin Tendulkar with his bat, other batsmen didn’t come up to the mark. India needed 351 runs to win. But other batsmen failed to add 126 runs to Sachin’s 175 to win the match. What a tragedy? If other batsmen would have supported Sachin then India would have won the match. Losing the match has overshadowed the achievement of Sachin Tendulkar. He is the only batsman in the International Cricket to have scored 17000+ runs in One Day International matches. I was wondering that in spite of having talent, why the young cricketers in Indian cricket team not performing well. They are more busy in shooting of commercial advertisement these days. They should pay attention to improve their form rather than improving their bank balances. Every time they come to the field, then they have hopes and expectations of the whole nation with them that they will perform well and will win the match. But in the on going series, we are getting more and more disappointments. When will this disappointment come to an end? Cricket is a game that has become unofficial game of India. People are just crazy about this game. So now the cricketers should pay more attention to the practices than commercial advertisements.
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