Sometimes something unplanned leads to a pleasant
experience. Same thing happened to me yesterday. Yesterday morning, it was a
usual Sunday morning. I wake up a bit late than the schedule time. After all, Sunday
is the only day in the week when I wake up late. But the surprise was the visit
to Allahabad. I just got the time to get ready. The plan was to go to Allahabad
to have the bath in Ganga River. Yesterday was full moon. An auspicious day to
have the bath. The car was booked by one of my friends. We started our journey
about quarter to ten and reached there at quarter past twelve. We walked about
five kilometres because our rented car was parked in the parking area. The police
barricade was there to control the movement of vehicles. When we reached the
bank of Ganga, it was an experience which can’t be explained in words. It can
be said that I got the spiritual feeling there. Then we took off our clothes to
enter in Ganga. The water was cold but the spirit in us encouraged us to take the
bath. After taking few dips, a sense of satisfaction and devotedness came to my
heart. That time, the water wasn’t giving the coldness. The moment was so
relaxing that till now I’m having the peace in mind. After bath, we came back
to Varanasi again. The trip was short but the memory has become a part of my
life and it will be there with me life long. To have the bath in Ganga was my
plan more last six months but I never imagined that my wish will be fulfilled
in this way. Some good things happen suddenly and without any planning.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Day 321
First of all, Happy Republic Day to all Indians.
Indeed a great day to celebrate. 63 years ago, on this very date, we became a
democratic republic. After the independence, we needed to have constitution to
ensure the right and duties of the citizens and law for the country. Finally it
was executed on 26 January 1950.
But today, we need to ask few questions to
ourselves. The gang rape which happened on 12 December 2012 is the current
example that we need to transform our society and the social values. There are
many questions which we have to ask from ourselves. Why are we so weak that we don't
want to change the constitution to make provision for the hardest punishment? Why
always we try to escape from being one by saying about the traditions and
cultures? Why still after more than six decades of independence and being republic,
we are still a developing country? Why don't we try to change the political
system of the country? Why we think that nothing can be done about this
We always say that the corruption and
political system has declined the entire system. If the youth of any country
will say like this then really nothing good can happen to the country. Main
problem is that the youth wants to migrate from India to any foreign country. All
the foreign countries are developed not just because of its citizens but due to
Indians also. The Indians, who are residing in those countries and working
there, have contributed to the development of those countries. If the Indians can
make those countries developed then why can’t they contribute their valuable knowledge
and skill in India’s contribution? If they will do it here then indeed, India will
be the superpower very soon.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Day 320
What spirituality really means? Does being spiritual means religious? Or
it means something else? I’m trying to find the correct answer. But
unfortunately, I haven’t come any answer to be called as perfect answer.
Everyone has defined spirituality as per their own perception. You won’t
believe that while writing this article, my mind is free. Free, in terms, means
that recently I haven’t read anything particular about this topic. I’m just
writing this article whatever is coming in my mind.
Well, according to me, spirituality means being in spirit. So, I have
divided this term in two terms – spirit and reality. Being in the right spirit
is more important. Few people have taken spirituality been granted to be
religious. Being religious is something different. But being spiritual means
doing the right things and for the betterment of the human society. In all the
religions, across the globe, the core thing which has been told is that being a
right person and doing things for the betterment of the society. For some
people, spirituality means being religious, for some it’s having command over
one. Many thoughts as per many people saying this.
according to me, is just being a good person doing right things. It doesn’t
matter which religion one belongs to. Being spiritual isn’t the copyright of
any particular religion. Its work of few handful religious scholars who
propagate the theory that my god is superior to your god. I bet no religion
tells this to its followers. The present unrest in the world based on the
religious thoughts is the propaganda of few people. This is not the
spirituality. In spirituality, there is no clash between people. Just as I said
above that every religion preaches to be the right person on the right path.
These things are so much interrelated that it’s obvious for people to treat
them as one. If not one then complementary at least. What matter most is the
right action being done by the person.
Almost every person says that he or she believes in god. Indeed god is
there. Even I believe in god and I do believe in his presence. But do we really
believe in god or we believe in god due to fear? Actually this fear is the
dangerous thing. Fear compels people to do things according to one’s
perception. Those who believe in god never indulge themselves in wrong doing.
Those who fears from god, always try to do right things, just to be on the safe
side and to be saved from punishments like going to hell.
believe that there is no heaven or hell. A person gets the results of his or
her own actions. Depending on the actions and the intensity, the person is
awarded or punished. The concept of heaven and hell are made to force people to
do right thing. Or it can be said that this concept forces them to do right
thing. The fear of punishment is very strong. Every wrong doer has this in his
or her mind that I’ll be caught and I’ll be punished. For example, every
notorious criminal is scared of the police. The criminal knows that if he or
she is caught by police then he or she will be punished.
Doing right or wrong things depends on the person’s own thinking.
According to me, the pleasure of getting awarded or being praised of doing
something right is the heaven. The pain of getting punishment or having the
punishment is the hell. A person gets either of one on the earth only. Every
religion says that there is life after death and the soul is rewarded or
punished according to the actions done by it when it was is in the human body.
I just want to ask few questions. Who has seen the life after death? Who knows
what exactly happens with the soul when it leaves the human body? If the soul
is free from the grip of death then how it’s awarded or punished?
The answer lies in being spirituality. It means in the right spiritual.
Do right things and get the pleasure of being satisfied. The pleasure of
satisfaction is the thing which can’t be robbed, taxed or taken away from
oneself. Doing right things for the betterment of the society is the action
which one needs to do. It’s our ego or thoughts which always haunts us to do
get the reward. Controlling the senses or having command over emotions is the
ultimate goal. It can’t be achieved by meditation alone. It requires right
thoughts followed by right actions. That’s the real spirituality.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Day 319
Today, I was in mood to write something
else. But the Delhi gang rape is still haunting me. Few days back and today
also, I was having the decision over this issue with my friends. I’m on the
side that the rapists should get death punishment for the crime like rape. Few of
my friends were against me. Their thought is that if the law is amended and the
new clause includes the death sentence to the rapists, then it would become a
new aide for the girls to frame anyone. The changes are high that the law would
be used in the either way. I’m not denying it. But I still support the death
sentence for rapists. It should be verified first. If the rape charges are
verified then only the court should pass the death sentence.
Every coin has two sides. Likewise,
everything has two sides. It depends on the user that whether the person is
using it for the good use or bad use. I’m just saying that the bad use should
be stopped. Laws are made for the betterment of the society. It’s not to break
the society. More importantly, it’s a person’s own consciousness which should
be telling the person of the right or wrong. If the consciousness is guiding
the person to the right direction then the result is positive, constructive and
full of prosperity. The negative side is always destructive and it’s full of
negativity only.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Day 318
These days, the menace of Pakistan has
increased a lot. Beheading of two Indian soldiers is the current example. On top
of that, Pakistani foreign minister is saying that India is making false
allegation. This is ridiculous. On one hand Pakistani army is killing Indian soldiers
and then calling India a war mongering. It’s like a thief is calling another
person thief. Pakistan had bad experience of three wars with India. Whenever India
has done something for the peace then Pakistan has reciprocated the friendly
gesture in terms of war or terrorist attacks. I don't understand why the world
community isn’t doing anything? This is now crossing the limit. Neither the
world community is doing anything nor is it allowing India to do anything. Pakistan
knows only the language of war. So let it be a war. Its enough now. If we look
around the globe then every major country is sending its troops to foreign
countries to suppress its enemies. Recently France has sent 750 French soldiers
in Mali to suppress the enemy. America bombarded Iraq and Afghanistan to catch
Saddam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden. Everywhere it’s the same thing. Why can’t India
take that step?
Friday, January 11, 2013
Day 317
I know I was absent for more than one month
now. This wasn’t time for me to remain silent. But I was silent due to the sad
event which happened on 16 December 2012. A sad and shameful incidence which
rocked the country and spread a wave of hatred against the culprits. Yes, I’m
talking about the Delhi gang rape. The rape and the inhuman torture done on the
victim have made everyone shameful. The saddest part was that the girl died
during the treatment. Although the culprits have been caught but the justice is
still awaited. The culprits should be given brutal punishment before getting
the death sentence. In majority of the gulf countries, the rapists are awarded
death sentence maximum one week after their crime is proven in the court of
law. Indeed, rape is a crime.
Worst thing is happening after the death of
the victim. Many cheap politicians and spiritual leaders are making abstract
statements about the victim girl and the culprits. Their statements show their
low grade mentalities. I think they are mentally sick. They are making some
senseless theories of their own and now they are telling senseless statements. Someone
is saying that the culprits are from a particular state, someone is saying that
if the victim girl would have called the rapists her brother then they wouldn’t
have raped her and tortured her. This is nothing but the sign of their ill
mental state. God knows when these people will have stable mental condition.
I just want to say that no one can even
think about the pain which the victim girl went through after the incidence. May
her soul rest in peace. I really hate the cheap statement game which has begun
now. Instead of demanding for the hardest punishment for the culprits, these
people are propagating their own senseless theories. But I would like to say
that the culprits should get the hardest punishment like the capital punishment
without any mercy.
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Day 497
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First of all, Happy Republic Day to all Indians. Indeed a great day to celebrate. 63 years ago, on this very date, we became a democratic...
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