Sometimes it becomes very tough to understand the real reason of being depressed. No, I’m not depressed but don’t know why but my mood is not well. You can call it as mood off. In this condition, I prefer to stay alone. Physically alone. Sitting quietly and doing nothing. But doing nothing leads to more negativity in the mind. So I’m here. I don’t know what to do next. It happens once in three to four months with me. A situation where you don’t want to do anything but you can’t sit ideal. Confusing statement. Isn’t it? But it’s a part of life. Anyone can’t stay happy or in good mood all the time. Sometimes negativity or depression catches him so strongly that he can’t help himself. Same thing is with me today. I don’t know what actually I need to do. Do I really need to do something? The answer is yes and no. Yes because I don’t want to sit ideal. No because what should I do? There is must be something through which I can remove my boredom but I’m not getting it. If you have any solution or suggestion regarding removing of boredom then do write me in the comment box. May be something will suit be and I’ll try to follow that in future life.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Day 202
A lot of things had happened since I wrote my last blog. Allegations of involvement of P Chidambaram in 2G scandal, death of Mansur Ali Pataudi, tussle between Pranab Mukharjee and P Chidambaram are few of the list. I’m confused from where to start. It really makes the things complicated when you want to move on but don’t know from where to start.
Okay, let’s pay tribute to Mansur Ali Pataudi. A lot of things has been said and telecasted about Pataudi’s life and his cricket playing years. Indeed, he was the youngest captain of the Indian cricket team. Leading the national cricket team at the age of 21 isn’t a piece of cake. But he handled that very nicely. He was the first captain, under whom; Indian cricket team won any test series outside India. He was a good motivational person, both on field and off field. Kapil Dev, has said this in his tribute statement to Pataudi. Indeed, the ‘Tiger’ is silent now. Pataudi earned the title of ‘Tiger’ due to his aggressive playing. I think that he was truly a tiger. He lived like a tiger only. He was full of positive energy and positive attitude. The nation is really mourning on his death. Like others, I, also pray that may he rest in peace.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Day 201
The whole nation is shocked by the bomb blast at the gate of Delhi High Court. Delhi and Mumbai has become hot spot for all the terrorist attacks. The attack at Delhi High Court has opened a new channel of discussion. Previously it was the banned outfit of Bangladesh, Harkat-ul-Jehadi-Islami and now its Indian Mujahideen taking the clame of the attack. I think it’s a conspiracy to mislead the Indian intelligence agencies. But still the National Investigation Agency is investigating into the probe from both angels. The National Investigation Agency is saying that it is investigating that whether the mail send by the Indian Mujahideen is genuine or is it a mischief? But the people behind the bomb blast have chosen Wednesday by a proper planning. Wednesday is the busiest day at the Delhi High Court. Delhi High Court hears all the Public Interest Litigation on Wednesday. So it’s obvious to have public gathering there. Till now 12 people have died and more than 70 people have been injured.
But it’s clear of one thing. Whoever has done the bomb blast is doing this to get Afzal Guru’s death sentenced to get terminated. I don’t understand one thing. Why a terrorist been kept alive when the court has passed the death sentence for him. To get one man free, we are sacrificing so many innocent people. Afzal Guru isn’t an innocent person. He is a hard core terrorist. And it’s not the matter of Afzal Guru only. The list of the criminals, who has been awarded the death sentence, is very long. And they are logged in various prisons for more than seven years or long. Keeping them alive isn’t only just a financial burden on us but we have to pay the price as the death of innocent people. I think now the time has come for the law makers to decide whether they want to keep the plea of the criminals of converting the death sentence pending or they want to pay the price as the death of innocent people? The time has come to think seriously. No politics should be done on such pleas as it is been done in the case of Nandini, the killer of Rajiv Gandhi in Tamil Nadu. In my view, the criminals should be hanged within a limited time frame, say about two months. This is the only way to stop bomb blasts and killing of innocent peoples. The militant groups pressurise the government by bomb blast or hijacking the plane. So to stop all these things we need to have some strong steps taken in advance.
But it’s clear of one thing. Whoever has done the bomb blast is doing this to get Afzal Guru’s death sentenced to get terminated. I don’t understand one thing. Why a terrorist been kept alive when the court has passed the death sentence for him. To get one man free, we are sacrificing so many innocent people. Afzal Guru isn’t an innocent person. He is a hard core terrorist. And it’s not the matter of Afzal Guru only. The list of the criminals, who has been awarded the death sentence, is very long. And they are logged in various prisons for more than seven years or long. Keeping them alive isn’t only just a financial burden on us but we have to pay the price as the death of innocent people. I think now the time has come for the law makers to decide whether they want to keep the plea of the criminals of converting the death sentence pending or they want to pay the price as the death of innocent people? The time has come to think seriously. No politics should be done on such pleas as it is been done in the case of Nandini, the killer of Rajiv Gandhi in Tamil Nadu. In my view, the criminals should be hanged within a limited time frame, say about two months. This is the only way to stop bomb blasts and killing of innocent peoples. The militant groups pressurise the government by bomb blast or hijacking the plane. So to stop all these things we need to have some strong steps taken in advance.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Day 200
Today, I’m writing the 200th post of the blog. But I’m a bit disappointed. I’m disappointed because I’m reaching this milestone very late. When I started writing the blog then I thought that I’ll be reaching this milestone within four months. But unfortunately this didn’t happen. But still I have reached this milestone. Delay for this was the inaccessibility of internet and busy schedule of my life in last one and half months can be stated as the top reasons for this. And many times I was really confused about what to write. All of you were aware of the recent activities in the political and social scenario in India. But still I would like to say something about Anna Hazzare and his efforts. Mere passing the Lokpal Bill in the parliament and making it a law isn’t the final result. As I have already written in my last blog that it requires strong will power of all Indians to say to the bribe demanded by the corrupt leaders and government officials. Without that all the efforts of Anna Hazzare will be wasted. So now its you to think. Do you want to make Anna Hazzare’s effort successful or do you want to turn it down? Ask this question before acting.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Day 199
Hi friends. I’m back. I know it has been aeon since I wrote my last blog. There were few incidences which have kept me on the run. Inability to access internet was one of them. But now it gives me a pleasure to interact with you once again. Well today’s topic is Anna effect in India. The way in which Anna Hazaare has created a political stir in India is something which I really appreciate. This is just the initiative to curb the corruption in India. Passing the Lokpal bill is just a constitutional thing. Any law can’t be enforced in any country until and unless the citizens of that country pledge to follow that law to the word. The fast of Anna Hazaare was followed by candle lit march and procession across the country by the people. Now all the Indians have to take a pledge that they won’t give bribe to any one. Then only the fast and the agitation of Anna Hazaare will bear the fruit. Taking out the possession or the candle lit march isn’t a solution. The solution is to stop giving bribe to all the government official and politicians for having the personal gain. So if you really want to make Anna’s effort worthy then stop giving bribe.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Day 198
Couple of days back, I was surfing the net. Then I went to a link from where I got few facts. Around $1.4 trillion is deposited in Swiss bank. Now you will ask that what’s the big deal in this. A reputed bank can have more than this amount of money. But if I say that $1.4 trillion is the black money deposited in Swiss bank by corrupt Indian politicians, govt officials and industrialist, then a slow whistle will come out of your mouth. But it’s a fact. The money which was supposed to be used in the country’s development has been stashed in Swiss bank. The amount stashed there is equal to 40% of India’s GDP. Now you can think that what could it do when this money is brought back to India, then what can be done? It’s going to grow the infrastructure and providing basic amenities to many villages. But the politicians and govt officials are not bothered about country’s development. They are much bothered about increasing their bank balance. And more surprisingly, the Indian government is aware of this. But the government isn’t saying or doing anything to stop this crime. Yes, it’s a crime to put the public’s money in a private account. That money is for the welfare of the society. That money isn’t meant for the welfare of the corrupt politicians and govt officials.
And what’s more surprising is that Indian government is trying to suppress the movement against corruption. I think that the Indian government should fearlessly work for suppressing the corruption instead of suppressing the movement against it. I don’t understand that why the government is trying to save the corrupt politicians and govt officials who are taking away the common man’s money? Is there any scandal much bigger than 2G spectrum? If not, then the government should bring the black money back to the country. It’s going to benefit the government also. Because $1.4 trillion is 13 times larger than India’s foreign debt. Instead of bringing the black money back, the government is allowing the inflation to grow. I think this is the most unpractical thing which the government is applying. $1.4 trillion can get the country rid of the foreign debt. It can be use to generate the reserve for the oil price. That could stabilise the oil and cooking gas price stable.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Day 197
The results of class 10th and class 12th are out now. Boys have been beaten by girls again. Girls have emerged as the top scorers. It’s time for celebration for all successful students. But there is one more side of results. And that’s very painful. Suicides. Yes, suicides. Young girls and boys commit suicide when they get failure or doesn’t get the expected scores in the examination. I wonder that is the examination going to become a system of life and death. Does the failure mean death? If yes, then what’s the use of this very examination? Sometimes, I think that examination has become a death trap. If you score well then you will get appraisals. And if you fail then suicide. Whom we blame for this bad system? Is it the system? Or the pressure which is given to students? If its pressure then who gives pressure to the minds of students of age 15 to 17? Is it the school? Or society? Or parents? Who is responsible for this?
Every year, many students across the country commit suicide due to this examination phobia. I think this should be avoided. There should be no pressure to excel on students. After all, marks are not so much important as compared to the life of a human being? Many students hang themselves. Many consume poison. And many students end their lives by coming in front of the running train or bus? Why this pressure is given to them that lead to their death? Why isn’t something done to stop this evil? Many intellectual, school forums and parent’s organisations are suggesting the steps to eliminate this system of examination pressure. Here I want to ask a question. Why isn’t a single plan or strategy is been formulated to end these suicides? How many lives will be taken in the name of examination pressure? Is there anyone listening to me?
Every year, many students across the country commit suicide due to this examination phobia. I think this should be avoided. There should be no pressure to excel on students. After all, marks are not so much important as compared to the life of a human being? Many students hang themselves. Many consume poison. And many students end their lives by coming in front of the running train or bus? Why this pressure is given to them that lead to their death? Why isn’t something done to stop this evil? Many intellectual, school forums and parent’s organisations are suggesting the steps to eliminate this system of examination pressure. Here I want to ask a question. Why isn’t a single plan or strategy is been formulated to end these suicides? How many lives will be taken in the name of examination pressure? Is there anyone listening to me?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 196
At last, the Prime Minister has agreed to the demand of Anna Hazare. Indeed it’s a victory of the common man. The Lok Pal Bill will be brought to the Parliament and it will be passed as a law. All the newspapers are filled with the editorial about the bill and Anna Hazare. I’m with Anna Hazare. But I would like to say few things here.
First of all, making the bill alone is not sufficient. It requires the will power from the common man. The common man means the mass. If the mass refuses to pay the bribe or refuses to agree to the illegal demands of the officers, politicians and ministers then obviously the corruption is going to get out of the country. The mass includes the top industrial houses also. Of course, the bill will make the ministers work according to the law instead of against it. But it needs the participation of the public also. Suppose a common man is found to be violating the traffic signal, then instead of paying the bribe to the traffic constable, the common man should pay the fine. I know this may be sounding something abstract but this is the right track. Because to save ourselves from getting a fine receipt, we give some amount to the traffic constable. This is nothing but bribe. This is the cause of corruption.
On news channels and in news papers I have seen many people carrying the placards stating the Anna Hazare, we are with you. You are our leader against corruption. This is a good sign. It shows that now the public is aware and wants to get rid of the corruption. But if the public really wants to get rid of the corruption then it has to say no to bribe or illegal demands of the corrupt people. Because leaders like Anna Hazare isn’t going to come and tell how to say no to corruption. So we have to do it ourselves.
If we will do it on the small scale then only we can have corruption free India. And due to the small bribes only the corrupt people demand money from other people and hence it grows up. It’s like nuclear reaction. If one person gives bribe then the corrupt person demands money from other people as well and hence this reaction of corruption goes on and on. And everybody thinks that he isn’t alone in giving bribes. Or the mentality becomes like this that okay that person or the businessmen has given bribe, so they are triggering the corruption. But in reality, the common man gives more bribe than the businessmen. Or people often say that how I can stop corruption. I’m just an individual. I want to say that the community, city or country is made up of individuals only. So be the one of the persons to protest corruption.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Day 195
Finally the dream of every Indian came true last night. And the world cup is back again to India after 28 years. I must congratulate every Indian and team India for this. Yesterday, the whole India was watching this match. Hope and dream of 121 crore Indians weren’t shattered. The sad part was that Sachin couldn’t make his 100th century. But I must praise Gautam Gambhir and Virat Kohli for making a good partnership and for not allowing Malinga, Murli & others to put pressure on India. And one good decision by MSD by coming to the centre after dismissal of Kholi after dismissal of Kohli. Means every decision taken by MSD turned to be boom for India and at last bringing the world cup back home. And when Yuvi came to bat after the sad dismissal of Gambhir, the momentum was back. Last 2 over were really worth watching. And at the end, we needed 6 runs in 12 balls. Yuvi took one run and MSD came on the striker end. And then on the next ball of Malinga, MSD made a historic hit of six which came up to expectation of every Indian. In every city, people came out on road. Everyone was screaming and was congratulating each other. The party mood hasn’t ended yet. It’s going on and on. Kudos to everyone related to Indian cricket team. My heartily congratulation to entire Indian cricket team. JAI HO.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day 194
Finally, the most awaited day has come. It’s final of the ICC world cup. India beat its arch rival Pakistan in a nail biting semi final. What a match it was? One of the most memorable matches in the cricket history. Now today, one of the rarest match in the history of cricket world cup. For the first time in history, two big teams of Asia are facing each other in the final. As I have said in the previous blog also, since 1992 one or another big team of Asia is there in the final. Now the main question is that whether its repetition of 1983 or 1996? If I would do analysis then both the teams have balanced side. When they are in pressure then they are really performing well. But from the core of my heart, I want the repetition of 1983 at the Wankhede stadium. I want India to break this taboo that none of the host country has won the world cup except Sri Lanka in 1996. Right now, I’m remembering one of the text messages which I got when India beat Pakistan. It was like this “Team is ours. Stadium is ours. Then the world cup is obviously ours. Cheer for India.” Frankly speaking, I also want to scream “Go INDIA Go”.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 193
I know I’m late in writing my blog. But as usual I’m also been affected by cricket fever. Like all Indians, I was also thrilled in the quarter final against Australia. It was truly nail biting match, where the suspense was there till the last ten over. But thanks to the Australian bowlers and batting of Yuvraj Singh, we made that impossible thing possible. In fact, for me, it was like the final match of world cup 2003. I prayed and wished that we would have won that match. But unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Anyhow, I’m pleased that the supremacy of Australia in the world cup is halted now. Don’t know in the next world cup what will be the scenario but right now I’m very much optimistic about India in this world cup. And interestingly, there are few interesting things happening in this world cup. For the 1st time, the three south Asian teams are there in the semi final of the world cup. Since 1992, one or the other south Asian team in the final. But this time, I’m praying that India and Sri Lanka are going to clash in the final of this world cup. But the final of this world cup isn’t going to be that much exciting and thriller like the semi final between India and Pakistan. Any cricket match between India and Pakistan has always been an exciting one and worth of watching. No word can describe that feeling which comes in the minds of the viewers who leave all their work to watch India and Pakistan against each other. And this is the most watched cricket match when these two teams are in the field.
This time both the teams are ready to beat each other. This match at Mohali isn’t a normal game. It’s a fight for the place in final of the world cup. Both the teams are gearing up for this match. India has good batting line and Pakistan has good bowling line. So it will be worth watching, nail biting game filled with last moment thriller.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 192
Today’s headline in every newspaper is the railway budget presented yesterday by Mamta Banerjee. As the West Bengal is going to election this year, so there was no passenger fare hike as per expected. And another expectation was the number of new projects and new trains for her home state. I’m not blaming her for this. Actually this is a general pattern for the railway ministers to give huge packages and new projects to their respective home states. It has become an unwritten law. It’s good that new projects give more employment to the people of that place but rest of the country shouldn’t be left out. But there are few good things coming out of this year’s railway budget. Senior citizen’s concession for women is to start from the age of 58 instead of 60 earlier. And men will get 40% concession as compare to 30% earlier in the category of senior citizen. One thing more I like very much in this year’s railway budget. 1.75 Lakh vacancies are to be filled. Children of employees over 50 and unable to work are likely to be appointed by the railway itself. Around 16,000 ex-servicemen are to be hired. This is really appreciable. But I think that Mamta Banerjee has to think about the finances now. There is severe financial crunch in railway’s finances. There is very little left for the future investment. Now the railway has to borrow for any future investment. Time has come now to think about the finances also.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Day 191
Hi friends. I’m back. I know you people might have thought that I have again disappeared in thin air after writing for couple of days in a row. But that’s not the case. Actually, I was observing few things. Globally there has been protests and revolt in Middle East which is resulting in the change in the government of the respective country. And at home, there is a political unrest regarding the 2G spectrum. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is having a tough time. He has to take care of his coalition partner and he has to face the opposition also. I agree with him on one point. Running coalition government isn’t an easy job. Being the head of the government, he has to oblige the coalition partners. He doesn’t have much privilege to choose his ministers. It’s the choice of the coalition partners. Actually, sometimes, I wonder that in a coalition government a Prime Minister or a Chief Minister is the softest person. He can’t make any wish but he has to go with the wishes of his coalition partners. And this is the point which gives a freedom to the coalition partners to do the things whatever they wish. They always blackmail the main political party of withdrawing support very often. Same thing happened when Manmohan Singh told A Raja to resign over the spectrum scam issue. That followed the political drama of M Karunanidhi to save A Raja. A Raja resigned in a dramatic way. That followed raids at the residential and official premises of DMK leaders. But I feel that it’s a cover up. There must have been a political agreement between Congress and DMK. Otherwise A Raja wouldn’t have resigned until and unless Karunanidhi was assured that Raja will be dealt leniently. There is a big cover-up.
And we need strong laws and strong determination to end the corruption. Until we get ready to fight against corruption, India isn’t going to be a corruption free country. And the politicians have to stop compromising on the sake of country. The coalition government isn’t a good thing for a developing country like India. The major political party of a coalition has to stop bending its spinal cord to the wishes of smaller regional party. I know that in a general election, a large amount of money and manpower is required. After all, we are the largest democracy in the world. But to prevent the midterm election at the cost of multi Crores scams like 2G spectrum scam isn’t a good choice to make. If Manmohan Singh would have terminated Raja from his ministry without having fear of breaking of coalition then he would have emerged as a strong leader rather than seen as a weak leader amongst people.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
कुछ रिश्ते पास हो कर भी दूर से लगते है, वक़्त के साथ वोह और भी दूर लगने लगते है.
दिल खोजता है कोई साथी अपना, जो हर पल साथ रह सके.
कोई मिलता जिसको अपना कह सकते, बस एक तलाश है जो अब तक जारी है.
कभी कभी याद आते है वोह शाम जब महखाने तक हम जाते थे, थे कुछ लोग वहा जो हमप्याला बने थे.
फिर भी प्यास न ख़तम हुई महखाने में जा कर, तलाश अभी तक जारी है किसी अपने की.
असमंजस में हू कि किस पथ पे जाऊ, हर रास्ता एक नयी उम्मीद दिलाता है.
शायद कोई खरा है पथ के उस ओर, पर किस पथ जाऊ ये सवाल खरा हो जाता है.
कही कोई है मेरे इन्तेजार में, बस इसी मृगतृष्णा में जिए जा रहा हू.
दिल खोजता है कोई साथी अपना, जो हर पल साथ रह सके.
कोई मिलता जिसको अपना कह सकते, बस एक तलाश है जो अब तक जारी है.
कभी कभी याद आते है वोह शाम जब महखाने तक हम जाते थे, थे कुछ लोग वहा जो हमप्याला बने थे.
फिर भी प्यास न ख़तम हुई महखाने में जा कर, तलाश अभी तक जारी है किसी अपने की.
असमंजस में हू कि किस पथ पे जाऊ, हर रास्ता एक नयी उम्मीद दिलाता है.
शायद कोई खरा है पथ के उस ओर, पर किस पथ जाऊ ये सवाल खरा हो जाता है.
नयनो की प्यास और दिल की आस भुझती नहीं है, और यह जिंदगी कभी रूकती नहीं है.
चलते चलते ना जाने कितनी दूर आ चूका हू, फिर भी चला जा रहा हू.कही कोई है मेरे इन्तेजार में, बस इसी मृगतृष्णा में जिए जा रहा हू.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 190
I know if I’ll again write something about the recent addition of the corruption practices in India then you people might think that I’m going on the same topic. But I got some shocking news. And after all, it’s the money of the common man which it pays as various direct and indirect taxes. Today while surfing the net I went on the online edition of The Pioneer. I read the news article there that a committee of BJP has investigated some projects in North East states. Surprisingly that committee has discovered various scams worth several thousand Crores in which Rs 4 Lakh Crores hydro power project in Arunachal Pradesh. Most of the states in North East are ruled by Congress party. According to the article, few points are there which can be termed as the tip of the iceberg. The thing which attracted my attention was that few projects were awarded to the companies within the days they were incorporated. For e.g. – Tuff Energy was allotted a project of 70 MW worth Rs 400 Crores within 50 days of its incorporation without any bidding. The hydro power project was awarded at the cost of Rs 4 Lakh Crores which included Rs 20,000 Crores as kickbacks.
The huge amount of money is going to the corrupt hands. And surprisingly our Prime Minister represents North East. I think 2011 has become the year of discoveries of various scams. There is only one way to stop it. Make harsh laws that can create a fear amongst these corrupt people. What I can suggest now is that to recover all the money which these corrupt people earn through kickbacks as well as their assets. And if a minister is involved then he should be removed from the office immediately. The investigating agencies shouldn’t be pressured to go slow or to give clean chit to the accused. And the punishment should be the maximum so that it can set an example to all those who are involved in the corrupt practices.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 189
Well in my last post I wrote about the corruption and the poor state of India in the world map. There are so many scams and scandals happening in our country that sometimes it really hurts to see all the bad things happening here. We had a glorious past. But our future isn’t that much glorious. Sometimes I feel that the corrupt people took advantage of our laws. Time has come to amendment the laws and to make it more tough. And the trial procedure is too lengthy that sometimes the verdict came so late that it loses its worth. Sometimes the accused is dead and hence the case is closed. Just like it happened in the case of Harshad Mehta. He was a stock broker who used to get loans from the bank on fake Bank Receipts. He manipulated the Bombay Stock Exchange with heavy investments in 1992. By the time, the scam was revelled; he has made a scam of Rs 4000 Crores. He died in 2002. About 72 criminal cases and more than 600 civil action suits were filed against him. When he died, many cases were pending in the court. I’m not saying that the judiciary should give verdicts very quickly. But 10 years is long time. And there are many cases which are pending in the court against the corrupt people. So I request the members of the Parliament to amend the laws and to bring new laws which can maximise the punishment in such cases. In my view, the bail system – either anticipatory or normal – should be abolished if a person is convicted in a corruption charges. I think that a fear of strict punishment forces a man or a woman to not to commit any crime.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 188
Sometimes, it becomes very tough to write. For the last one month, I’m trying to write but I’m unable to write. There aren’t any scarcity topics. But the problem is what to write about them. Should I write about the crash of Bombay Stock Exchange? Should I write about the protests in Egypt? Should I write about the scams and scandals about the spectrum? I’m confused that what I should write about these topics. All of you are aware of these current affairs. It’s good news that A Raja has been arrested and is in the judicial custody for the interrogation. But one thing is bothering me. That thing is the time this course of justice is going to take. And what punishment is he going to get? The amount of money being involved isn’t small. That’s a huge amount which would have been used for the development of the infrastructure and basic amenities in our country. It’s a positive sign that India is becoming economic superpower. GDP is high. But what about the Per Capita Income? In terms of Human Development Index, we are amongst the bottom countries in the list. Poverty is still there in our country. About 30% of the Indian population is Below Poverty Line. It means around 1 out of 3 Indians is poor. So on what issue should we proud our self? Still after 63 years of independence we call our self to be a developing country. There are small countries than us like Singapore and Malaysia who have excelled in reaching the status of a developed country. Why that can’t happen to our country? These are few questions which always come in my mind.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 187
Hi friends. I know that I was absent for a month approximately. Well there were a series of events which kept me busy. And at few occasions lack of topic forced me to stay away from you. Don’t worry I’m not going to write again asking for feedbacks. I know I’m not going to get that. So it’s worthless to expect something which is not going to come. You can say that I’m surrendering now. Actually, this is the common phenomenon amongst us. In India we really give up. Few people give up very soon. Few do it after attempting for few more chances just like I did. But I haven’t lost the hope that I’ll not get the feedback. Well, that’s the matter of time. I know that one day feedback will come. But when? I really don’t know that. I’m just hoping. You can call me optimist. Just like I’m hoping that all the corrupt politicians will go behind bars. I’m hoping the amount of money which they have digested very well will be recovered from them and used for the betterment of the common man. I know you might be thinking that I have gone nuts. But that’s not the case. Really one day it will happen that corruption will be thrown out of India. May be not in my life time but one day it will happen. Imagine the Rs 1,76,000 crore loss to the exchequer due to the spectrum scam by ex telecom minister, A Raja, would have been used for the construction of roads, providing electricity and at least drinking water to many remote corners of India. But the process of grilling him is so too slow that it will take another couple of years to pass the judgment.
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Day 497
The results of the general elections in India are out now. It’s clear that now Mr Narendra Modi is going to swear in as the Prime Minister...
First of all, Happy Republic Day to all Indians. Indeed a great day to celebrate. 63 years ago, on this very date, we became a democratic...
I know I was absent for more than one month now. This wasn’t time for me to remain silent. But I was silent due to the sad event which ha...
Now the drama in Indian politics has started to show its colours. For the last six to seven months, the brew was popping up. Now it has bo...