Sometimes life comes across certain points of highs and lows. I met both today. I met an old friend today. I was happy with talking with my friend. I was really high. There was a sense of satisfaction after talking with the friend. I thought that I should share some feeling of mine with my friends. I did that. But I was sad because I got late in expressing my feelings. There are certain things that had happened in my friend’s life. I’m happy for my friend that something good is happening in my friend’s life. But I’m sad that I met my friend very late. No doubt I’ll always pray good things for my friend. But one thing is uncertain my mind. Will this friendship go on or not? What is the future now? Because one thing is sure that I can’t forget my friend. And my friend is a special friend of mine. So it’s out of question to forget my friend. A sense of insecurity is there in my mind. Which way to go? What to do next? Actually I have a habit. Don’t know whether it’s good or bad but I don’t forget my friends. I don’t do friendship to forget my friends later on. But I really don’t want to lose this friendship. Only time can tell what’s going to happen? Hope so everything turns right and that is not painful for me.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Day 184
I’m tired now. Tired of waiting for the comments on the posts. I’m really bored now. I want comment as feedback about my writing. I can’t tell you people to write comment. But I really need it. Otherwise I can’t improve my writing. Since morning, I was having urge to write. But I wasn’t having any idea in my mind. So I thought that you people are there to give some comment. But I was proved wrong. I’m really confused about what to tell you people. Just imagine a situation; you are talking to one of your friends over the phone. And only you are talking and your friend is silent. What will you feeling at that time? Irritated? That’s right. The same situation is with me right now. I’m writing again and again. And you people are silent. I’m also feeling irritated. Sometimes, I think that my blog has become one sided affair. I’m really angry with you people. The silence, which you people are having is the reason I was absent for so many days. I thought that you people are changed a bit. But I again got myself wrong. Come on you people. Write something in the comment box. It’s not necessary to use your name and email id to write comment on my posts. You can write as an anonymous person also. So now don’t sit ideal. Come on, start writing something. Until and unless you people will not write, I won’t be able to know that which direction I’m heading.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Day 183
Sorry, I’m late today. Actually I was having no idea what to write. But thought to write. So I came with no topics and lots of blah blah blah. Hehehe. Just kidding. Actually these days, every newspaper is having news of one scandal or another. I think scandal has become a national event now. Right from the scandals of Organising Committee of Common Wealth Games, then the Adarsh Scam which cost Mr. Ashok Chawan the post of chief minister, then we have telecom scandal which followed by the resignation of A Raja. And the list is going on and on which now includes the bank loan scandals about which I wrote yesterday. If we accumulate the entire amount then it will go in some lakhs of crores of Indian rupees. Really this amount would have changed the financial system of India. And there are many more scandals. We can’t forget the stamp scandal by Abdul Karim Telgi. Then we have shares scandal by Harshad Mehta. Fodder scam by Lalu Yadav. Really the list is too long. Just imagine if all these amount of money would have been used in the development of the country then we would have really four lane roads, uninterrupted power supplies, new industries in backward regions, schools and colleges, pure and drinkable water in remote areas, good health hospitals in villages. In short, the real upliftment of India. And then we would be in a better position to fight against the inflation, terrorism and many other things. But unfortunately, the money went to the pocket of corrupt people. This entire thing has happened due to our silence. We, the public, were silent. We shrugged our shoulders and said that these politicians are corrupt. These government officials are corrupt. The scandals aren’t going to hamper us. And many more excuses we made to divert our attention. We are more concerned about the two square meal every day. We are giving damp care to the inflation. How long this is going to happen?
This question is for all of us. Each and everyone in India who is facing the devil of inflation everywhere. You go to a shop to buy your grocery there you have to pay more for the same things which you need in your meal. And blame shouldn’t be made on politicians only. The government officials are equally responsible. For example let’s take the grocery items only. It’s not possible to grow all the things in one state. Few things have to be imported from other states. At the border, excise tax has to be paid. The excise officers demand more money from the truck drivers. The extra payment is included in the good loaded in the truck. And finally when the good reaches the whole seller, then truck driver deliver the good after taking the original cost, transportation cost and the extra money given to the excise officer. The whole seller adds his own profit margin and then sells that to the retailer. Again retailer’s profit margin is added to the good. It’s finally we, the consumer, who has to pay for that good.
That’s why yesterday I told that we need a strong will power. Corruption will not go just by saying. We have to take action also. So stop giving bribe to government officers and politicians if you really want to see development in India.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Day 182
Today I’m totally confused about what to write. A lot of scandals are happening in our country. I don’t understand one thing that why the politicians and government officials involve themselves in such corrupt practises? What they gain? It’s the shame which they get at the end and the money is been taken away from them. So what’s the use of taking huge amounts of money as bribe? Can’t they do their work honestly? And to some extend the public and the bribe givers are also responsible for this. Even after 63 years of independence we are a developing country. But there is huge amount of money is with the politicians. Few days back, I read a part of the statement made by the head of the Swiss Bank that India is a poor country where rich people live. He was referring to the amount of money been kept in the accounts of politicians is enough to keep India going for 30 years without collecting income tax. The money can give employment to some 60 crore people. Every village will be connected with four lane roads. There was few more disclosure. I wonder that if such thing can happen in India. The optimist in me says yes but at the same moment a question comes from inside, ‘how?’ The politicians and government officials are keeping crores and crores of money in their secret bank accounts. If that money should be used in the development of the country then indeed India will become a developed nation in just one decade. We should think to stop the corrupt practises of the politicians and the government officials. For that we need strong will power and strong laws.
Yes that’s right. A strong will power is needed that we won’t give bribe to any politicians and government officials to get our work done. And why should we give bribe to them? Aren’t government officials earning enough money to take care of the needs of themselves and their families? Of course, they are getting handsome salaries from the government. Then why their hands should be greased? Same thing is with the politicians. If the politicians think that they have become the MLA or MP or have got any ministerial post then it’s their right to get bribed. Then the public has to teach them lesson. Public should not bribe them. The politicians become MLA or MP or minister for the development of the country and the state. They don’t hold the post to earn money. So if we really want India to become a developed country then as public we should stop giving bribe.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Day 181
The result of the Bihar Assembly Election has been declared. NDA has emerged as the winner with 84 percent seats. Mr Nitish Kumar is going to sworn in for the consecutive second time on 26th November, 2010. His arch rival Mr Lalu Prasad Yadav has to settle with just 25 seats. Ram Vilas Paswan has got only 3 seats. And the Congress party which rides and tries to encash the name of Rahul Gandhi, has got 4 seats. So congratulation to the voters of Bihar. You may be surprised that instead of congratulating the winners, I’m congratulating the voters of Bihar. But this is the truth. Voters in Bihar have chosen the development over the caste based politics. This is the face of changing Bihar. A Bihar which wants to liberate itself from the darkness which it saw during the 15 years of Lalu-Rabri era. People are happy that they can go out even in late night without any fear which was not possible during Lalu-Rabri era. And this is not just the case with Patna. Being the capital, there has to be some change in Patna. Here I’m talking about the villages and other cities also. People in villages are having pakki sadak connecting their village to the cities. They are now using electricity. Both the things were something unthinkable during the Lalu-Rabri regime. Lalu Yadav is saying that there is some mystery behind the result of this election. Now he is trying to be in the limelight because he is aware that his days are gone now. They are not going to come back. He has bluffed public a lot. Now the public is not ready to get bluffed again by him. This mandate is the clear indication of that.
He and his close associate Ram Vilas Paswan are not ready to digest this defeat because they were dreaming that they are the king in Bihar. They are forgetting that king is not there to rule only. He is there to develop his kingdom. Lalu and Ram Vilas have always played the politics based on caste. But the public of Bihar has become sensible. They know what is right and what is wrong. No one can bluff them. In the last five years, Bihar has done good progress. And this has happened due to good governance. Lalu Yadav might have forgotten that he became chief minister of the state but he favoured his own people a lot instead of doing progress work of Bihar. Anyway my blog is going long. I’m ending here now. Once again, congratulations to the people of Bihar for choosing good government instead of bad government.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day 180
The ongoing visit of the American president Barrack Obama, is been termed as a mega event in India. There are many expectations with this visit. It always happens that if a head of a foreign country has come in India then Indian government doesn’t leave any stone unturned in the hospitality. This is not just the follow of any protocol but it’s a display of Indian tradition for a guest. Well, I’m not going in any detail of this guest welcoming tradition. Yesterday, I was watching the news channel when Obama was at St Xavier’s College in Mumbai. He was there at the interaction with students. He answered five questions. One was related to Pakistan. He answered that question very diplomatically. He was politically correct. Not making any statement which leads to any controversy. Because these days controversies are made much earlier and easier than making of the tea. The question was about the Pakistan based terrorist organisations that are constantly attacking India. A student asked the American president that why isn’t America declaring Pakistan a terrorist country. Barrack Obama diverted the question by saying that we need a stable, prosperous and peaceful Pakistan. And with the new Pakistan the country going to gain most is India. So I deduced that he is taking a good stand on answering diplomatically on such questions. The general view of Indian public and Pakistani public towards each other isn’t friendly. So it’s obvious that people from both the countries will ask such questions. And I have deduced one more thing. Barrack Obama isn’t going to take the charge as a mediator between India and Pakistan. And its duty of Indian and Pakistani government to resolve their differences. For this we really need a stable government in Pakistan. And that too free from the interference of the Pakistani army. Then only we can have a peaceful dialogue which will lead us to stability.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Day 179
In the last couple of posts I have been writing about the ongoing assembly election in Bihar. Yesterday voting was held in 42 seats in phase 4. I cast my voted yesterday. I felt happy after that. I got the satisfaction that I did something good. Don’t know why but I feel the same happiness whenever I cast my vote. Whether it’s municipal corporation election, assembly election or Lok Sabha election. I can’t express that happiness in words. It’s a bit tough for me. But one thing has disturbed me a lot. It’s about the voting percent. The overall percentage of the voter’s turnout was the lowest. It was only 51%. This is really sad. In 1st phase it was 54%, in 2nd phase it was 53% and in 3rd phase it was 55%. So comparatively phase 4 was the lowest. I’m unable to understand the downfall in the voter’s turnout. Yesterday I watched various news channels and I did a bit research also. Obviously it was my personal research. I found one thing. Many voters found that their names were missing from the voter’s list. So that was the reason of the downfall. Many males found that their names were missing so the ladies of that house didn’t went to cast their vote. At few places the scene was reverse. This is the clear cut failure of the administration for this. Nobody knows when the administration will come out of its deficiencies. Sometimes I think that the government officials are not interested in those works where they can’t get a chance to make money. And making of voter’s list or any work related to the electoral process doesn’t have so much money in that. Whoever comes to the power should know that they have to control the beauraucrats so that there should be no lapse of any policies. Really this is very sad that voters faced so many problems during the voting process. And it’s not related only till election process. In day to day life also, there are many things where the public isn’t getting the advantage of the social welfare schemes. So we have to change not only the government but the beauraucrats also.
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Day 497
The results of the general elections in India are out now. It’s clear that now Mr Narendra Modi is going to swear in as the Prime Minister...
First of all, Happy Republic Day to all Indians. Indeed a great day to celebrate. 63 years ago, on this very date, we became a democratic...
I know I was absent for more than one month now. This wasn’t time for me to remain silent. But I was silent due to the sad event which ha...
Now the drama in Indian politics has started to show its colours. For the last six to seven months, the brew was popping up. Now it has bo...